shower faucet installation procedure
A.Process analysis of a single control pre-built shower faucet
The right side of the installation diagram is the effect after installation, and it specify two important elements here: the installation of the control valve and the wall outside the shower.

showr faucet
The decorative panel is closed after the pre-built mixer, and the control valve—which requires less construction work—is placed.
The pre-built mixer body’s quality and workmanship determine the quality of the pre-built shower.
Shower outlet built into the wall

showr faucet
The wall outlet shower is rather straightforward, and it may be installed immediately at the outlet, as shown in the diagram to the right.
B:Process for a pre-built shower faucet with body jet
Because of the intricate functionality, this type of product is much more difficult to create than a standard pre-built since it has more side spray outlets in addition to the hand-held shower, top shower head, and 2 to 6 hand spray outlets.
The pre-built shower mixer is connected to the transfer interface by a number of outlets, from which it can access the top spray shower, hand shower, total water intake, and all other outlets.
As the water circuit is more potent as a result of the actual picture’s alteration, it is more complicated.

Thermostatic shower control
More stable since the wall and shower mixer between the pre-built parts are fastened rather than merely the cement leveling layer.
Following the completion of the aforementioned processes, the wall is leveled with cement mortar, and after that, the waterproofing layer is painted, resulting in a step whose structure is identical to that of a standard shower.
Due to the decorative cover that was added after tiling, ornamental panels could be directly covered over the control valve’s overall slotting on the line.

wall mounted shower mixer 2 function Chrome